SUPC Presents:
Joan of Arc & SOUL GLO
March 4th, 2017
Doors open @ 10pm
$2 w/ OCID, 7$ without
Public Tickets May Be Purchased Here
Joan of Arc Band
Recorded at various locations throughout Chicago, He’s Got The Whole This Land Is Your Land In His Hands is the product of the band improvising hour-long jams then whittling them down to their most potent pieces. The result are songs that eschew verse-chorus constructions in favor of establishing a groove then meandering within its confines. Songs build off one idea and attempt to pack as much into them as possible, with instruments fluttering in and out as Kinsella adopts a vocal delivery that skews closer to spoken word than singing. Similarly, recent addition Melina Ausikaitis often plays the role of the band’s Flavor Flav, throwing in punchlines during Kinsella’s verses and backing him up in makeshift choruses.
- The AV Club
“Intense” would be an absolute understatement for ” “. Each track delivers crunchy and occasionally melodic rhythms beneath strongly personal and political yelling. Song-by-song, the lyrics reflect the unrest of being a person of color in America and having to deal with institutionalized oppression. This is a much-needed voice in hardcore or punk or any other sub-genre of music. Cutting through oversaturated, white-guy, macho bullshit and delivering a message that goes beyond friendship or loyalty or whatever other (lesser) bands write about. Soul Glo is a force to be reckoned with – don’t sleep on them.
- Nahhhh blog